In Plant Truck Scales
If you look around your facility you are likely to find a number of scales. Shipping and receiving scales, floor scales, in process scales, tank scales, lab scales, counting scales and the list goes on. Some plants use more scales than others but if you have any scales you have them for a reason and that reason is accurate weights. To keep your scales weighing accurately it is important that they be tested, serviced and calibrated on a regular basis. The more critical the scale the more often it should be tested. Testing and calibration is also necessary to keep up with your ISO/IEC accreditations.
AES Scales, LLC offers a wide variety of Periodic Inspection, Calibration, and Repair plans customized to fit your needs. Remember, in most cases your scale is as important as your cash register when it comes to the bottom line.
Give us a call at 888-237-7225 and we will conduct a free survey of your plants scales, provide you with a full report detailing the condition and usage of your weighing equipment. We will make any necessary recommendations and then discuss the best options for a Periodic Inspection Planthat will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your scales are not letting profits leak out the back door.
Emergency Repairs
If a scale breaks down at an inopportune time call AES at 888-237-7225. We have technicians on call twenty four hours a day that will trouble-shoot and repair your scale in a timely manner saving you dollars and hours of needless downtime. We keep many critical replacement parts in our shop and in our mobile test units so that we can get your operation running again as soon as possible. For our regular customers we often adjust our parts inventory based on their critical needs. We will also identify and urge you to stock critical spare parts that we feel could cripple your operation should one break down. We know that your goal is to keep your plant running smoothly. When we work for you your goal is our goal.